Modern War 01: Red Dragon Green Crescent
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(**) Salvo que en el mismo momento de realizar la compra se realice en paralelo otra compra que agote las unidades, dada esta situacin el juego pasar a disponible bajo demanda a precio normal o a descatalogado y se lo comunicaramos por correo electrnico.
(***) Salvo que al solicitar la reposicin al editor nos comunique que el juego est descatalogado o pendiente de reimpresin. Lo que se comunicar por correo electrnico en cuanto tengamos conocimiento.

Modern War 1: Red Dragon Green Crescent

En Stock

Articles in this issue include:


Red Dragon / Green Crescent: Naval Warfare in the 21st Century.
The US Navy has enjoyed global superiority since 1945. That may be changing in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. Heres our analysis of whats involved.
by Joseph Miranda

Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf & Desert Storm
Controversy still swirls about the ultimate outcomes of the First Gulf War and the man who commanded in achieving them.
by Blaine Taylor

Vietnam 1972: Conventional Offensive in an Unconventional War
In 1972 the North Vietnamese abandoned all pretence of peoples war and launched a conventional combined-arms offensive into the South. It failed.
by John Walker

Analysis: Russias Ongoing Military Reorganization
The Russian military is presently in the last stage of a massive reorganization, one thats easily the most radical its ever undergone. Heres our analysis.
by Bruce Costello

SEAL Team Six: DEVGRU & the Raid to Kill Osama Bin Laden
Heres our summary analysis of SEAL Team Six and that elite units vital role in fi nally getting bin Laden.
by David R. Higgins


Design Theory
Red Dragon / Green Crescent
by Joseph Miranda

On the Horizon

Colt vs. Beretta by Blaine Taylor
Speed Kills: The US Navys 64 -Megajoule Electromagnetic Railgun by David R. Higgins
The X95 (Tavor 2) Assault Rifl e/SMG by David R. Higgins

New Arena
Pentagon Wargaming or Life on MORS by Brian R. Train
US Cyber Command & the New Dimension of War by Joseph Miranda

Military Symbols

Mega Feedback

Media Reviews


Red Dragon/Green Crescent (RDGC) is a strategic-level, intermediate-complexity wargame, with operational undertones, covering hypothetical future conflicts around the southern and eastern peripheries of Asia. The timeframe is the near future, between 2013 and 2021. The game has been designed by Bruce Costello using Ty Bombas CSR Award winning system that first appeared in Strategy & Tactics no. 250. Its adaptable for two player, multi-player and solitaire play.

RDGC expands the original game into a two-mapper covering the Indian Ocean and Middle East, areas strategic to both the US and its allies and the Peoples Republic of China and its allies.

In the game, Chinese forces that may be initially deployed into the Indian Ocean area are few, but they also have one solid ally at start: Myanmar. Besides Myanmar, there are other question marks for US planners. For instance, would Pakistan stand idly by if India allied with the US, given the existential threat they perceive of a US-Indian victory in a war with China? And what about Iran: if that country is ever to make a move to achieve dominance in the Persian Gulf, what better time than during a major war while its winners arent yet clear? Theres also the rest of the troubled Middle East (Egypt-Syria-Lebanon-Israel). That collective totality makes for a wonderfully varied gaming situation. Besides the main scenarios, there are numerous variants and options, adding new dimensions and giving literally hundreds of new possibilities for play.

Most of the ground units in RDGC represent brigades (brigade combat teams or BCT for the US). The exceptions are the Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese, Philippine, and Yemeni armies. There is additionally one new corps of marines for the PRC. Aircraft are mostly represented by mixed-type combat-wings, though only one aircraft type is shown on each counter. Long-range bombers have their own mono-type units that cant combine operations with the other tactical air wings. Ship units mostly represent mission-oriented groups of vessels such as SAGs, subrons or individual capital ships.

Game turns represent varied amounts of real time, depending on the operation presently being conducted, from one to three days. An entire match encompasses the first month of the wars being examined. Scenarios include partial and two-map games, some centered on the Korean peninsula, others on the Indo-Pakistan area, and others taking in the entire, huge, arcing region from the Red Sea to Alaska.

This special edition includes 2 maps (22x34 inches) and 556 counters.